Over the coming months, you can experience us in person on three different occasions: on January 28 at the IKOM Bau Career Fair (TU Munich), on February 19 at our Praxistag for Students at our main location in Planegg, and from May 20 to 22 at SHOWTECH in Berlin. Learn more about building physics, sustainable construction, building and room acoustics, audiovisual system planning, and fire protection – and forge valuable contacts for your future.
When? Tuesday, January 28
What to expect:
At IKOM Bau, you will have the opportunity to meet us face-to-face, gain insights into our projects, and learn about entry-level positions and career prospects.
More information on IKOM Bau 2025
When? Wednesday, February 19, 205 (Doors open at our main location in Munich)
What to expect:
Gain hands-on insights into building physics, building and room acoustics, sustainable construction, audiovisual system planning, and fire protection. Get to know our dedicated team and experience live demonstrations, such as thermography and reverberation chamber measurements. We will also provide information on a wide range of entry and career opportunities, from internships and working student positions to thesis supervision.
Please register by February 10, 2024, including your name and field of study, at
Here you can find the recap of the Practical Day 2024.
When? May 20–22
What to expect:
Visit us at the international leading trade fair for theater and event technology, discover our expertise in building acoustics and audiovisual system planning, and look forward to professional discussions as well as exciting live demos of the Vivace system.
More information on SHOWTECH 2025
We look forward to meeting you at the trade fairs or at the Praxistag in person. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain valuable insights, build your network, and advance your career!
Any questions?
Feel free to contact:
Mareen Friedrich
Public Relations