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Sustainability and Ethics

Sustainability and Ethics

Statement on Sustainability, Business Ethics, Social Responsibilty, Occupational Health and Safety

As part of society, Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH fulfils their social and ecological responsibilities within the scope of their opportunities to influence. Sustainability at company level, social responsibility and fair dealings with business partners are part of our corporate culture. Through our business activities, we influence the living and working conditions of our employees and customers, the environment and the economic environment.

In order to fulfil our corporate responsibility in these areas, we follow our specific corporate principles and objectives for the Müller-BBM Group. They are based on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact Initiative, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Sustainability and Environmental Protection

As a service provider, Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH does not have any relevant production facilities – our activities do not generally lead to the emission of pollutants. Environmental protection issues are an important part of our operational activities. Our commitment to protecting the environment and to sustainable and responsible corporate management includes, among other things:

  • Promoting and subsidising the use of public transport;
  • The recycling of paper, used batteries and toner cartridges;
  • The procurement of company cars with low fuel consumption or electric drive and high efficiency;
  • Where possible, replacing company cars with shared vehicles as required.;
  • Supporting employees in the procurement of company bicycles;
  • The gradual conversion of battery-operated measuring devices to models that can be operated with rechargeable batteries;
  • The introduction of paperless archiving;
  • Promoting video conferencing between locations and affiliated companies to reduce travelling;
  • The construction of new company buildings to the highest standards in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability (incl. BTTP, PV);
  • Effective and efficient use of materials, energy and water;
  • Minimising all environmental impacts, in particular waste, waste water, air and noise pollution, but also the amount of logistics, transport and storage involved;
  • Promotion of decarbonisation;
  • Safeguarding biodiversity and soil quality. Contamination of the soil must be avoided at all costs;
  • Application of the principles of the circular economy, such as reduction and substitution of materials as well as their return, shared use, maintenance, reuse, remarketing, refurbishment and recycling;
  • Compliance with all applicable environmental, health and safety regulations;
  • We behave in a socially responsible manner towards our own employees and towards society. We ensure compliance with and fulfilment of legal and social obligations in the context of our business activities.

This characterises our corporate culture and is reflected, among others, in the following points.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

  • Recruiting competent employees and ensuring continuous training;
  • A predominantly permanent employment model and performance-related pay for our employees;
  • A broad-based participation programme open to all employees;
  • Ensuring compliance with working time laws;
  • Offering a company reintegration management programme for employees who have been ill for a long time or frequently;
  • Respect for human rights and the prohibition of child and forced labour;
  • Ensuring freedom of association;
  • The prevention of discrimination and harassment of any kind:

The prohibition of discrimination under labour law in the German Anti-Discrimination Act (AGG) applies to discrimination against employees on racial grounds or on the grounds of ethnic origin, gender, religion and belief, disability, age or sexual identity. Furthermore, the prohibition of discrimination in the German Social Code (SGB IX) also applies to employees with severe disabilities; Protection against discrimination applies to all dependent employment relationships in the public and private sectors. It ranges from job applications to recruitment, promotion, working conditions (e.g. income level, working hours, holidays and dignified treatment in the working environment) to dismissal and company pension schemes.

Employees who feel discriminated against by their employer, superiors, other employees or third parties in connection with their employment relationship have the right to lodge a complaint with the HR department or management at all times if they feel disadvantaged in connection with a category of discrimination. The complaint will be examined and the result will be communicated to the person who submitted the complaint. There is no entitlement to a specific outcome of the investigation. The complaint does not have to be in any particular form, but written form is recommended. The affected person must not suffer any disadvantage because they have made a complaint.

  • Respect for the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples;
  • Compliance with occupational health and safety requirements;
  • Any employee who feels disadvantaged, treated unfairly or otherwise affected adversely by the employer or other employees of the company has the right to lodge a complaint. The employee must not suffer any disadvantages as a result of lodging a complaint. This prohibition of discrimination also applies if the complaint was not objectively justified;
  • Ensuring employability through training and further education;
  • Compliance with socially adequate working conditions;
  • Creating conditions that allow employees to enjoy a decent standard of living;
  • Remuneration that enables a secure livelihood and social and cultural participation;
  • The realisation of equal opportunities and family-friendly framework conditions;
  • and women’s rights according to EU Briefing Paper No. 26;
  • The prohibition of bribery and extortion and the prevention of corruption;
  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations, such as the applicable data protection regulations;
  • Safeguarding intellectual property and confidential handling of information and data provided in compliance with property rights and copyrights;
  • Warranting fair competition by complying with antitrust law;
  • Compliance with the applicable regulations on the disclosure of information;
  • The fulfilment of our social and legal financial responsibility;
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest;
  • Private and public security forces must be used in compliance with the legal framework conditions;
  • Compliance with foreign trade regulations, insofar as this is within the scope of the suppliers’ responsibility. In this context, national and international economic sanctions and export control regulations are to be observed. Suppliers undertake to provide the customs and other government authorities with correct and truthful information about this if required.

Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH declares that no unlawful acquisition, no unlawful development and no other unlawful use of land, forests and waters, the use of which secures the livelihood of people, will take place within the scope of the services to be provided. Moreover, we ensure that no unlawful evictions take place.

Occupational Safety and Health Protection

Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH operates a management system that covers quality as well as occupational health and safety.

The safety and health of our employees is an essential prerequisite for achieving the company’s goals. To this end, occupational health and safety is seen as a management task. The management, executives and employees work together and take responsibility for creating working conditions in which employees can work safely, healthily and successfully. This includes, among other things

  • Safe and ergonomic work equipment, workplaces and work processes;
  • Personal Protective Equipment;
  • Emergency preparedness;
  • Handling of chemical and/or biological substances;
  • Operating processes are continually evaluated and optimised in order to reduce the risk of operational disruptions, dangerous situations and accidents at work.

This includes measures to improve health protection, including alcohol/addiction prevention and addiction support programmes within the company. The fact that concrete signs of risky alcohol consumption or drug abuse among employees cannot be noticed until after many years in some cases makes it necessary to continually and systematically monitor performance and work behaviour.
Alcohol and drug consumption (in the workplace) and the acute dangers arising from this will be addressed.
Employees are informed about the dangers of alcohol and drugs in their work at the company and the consequences for themselves and their environment.
Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH’s managers have taken on this responsibility.

Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH hereby declares that they will adhere to the aforementioned objectives and principles in all its business activities at all times and promote their ongoing development. The sustainable combination of economic success, social responsibility and environmental protection secures our strong market position and at the same time helps to fulfil the current and future needs of society as a whole.

Statement on Sustainability and Ethics (PDF)