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Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

Sustainability, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

As part of society, Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH fulfils their social and ecological responsibilities within the scope of their opportunities to influence. Sustainability at company level, social responsibility and fair dealings with business partners are part of our corporate culture. Through our business activities, we influence the living and working conditions of our employees and customers, the environment and the economic environment.

In order to fulfil our corporate responsibility in these areas, we follow our specific corporate principles and objectives for the Müller-BBM Group. They are based on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact Initiative, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

As our suppliers and business partners, we expect you to recognise, support and comply with the following principles and objectives and to ensure that your suppliers and business partners will also comply with them.

Sustainability and Environmental Protection

Suppliers and business partners are committed to protecting the environment and to sustainable and responsible corporate management and development. This includes in particular:

  • Promoting and subsidising the use of public transport;
  • Compliance with applicable environmental, health and safety regulations;
  • Effective and efficient use of materials, energy and water;
  • Use of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies to protect natural resources;
  • Waste avoidance and animal welfare;
  • Application of the principles of the circular economy, such as reduction and substitution of materials as well as their return, shared use, maintenance, reuse, remarketing, refurbishment and recycling;
  • Safeguarding soil quality and preventing soil contamination;
  • Minimising all environmental impacts, in particular waste, waste water, air and noise pollution, but also the amount of logistics, transport and storage involved;
  • Minimising negative effects on the environment and health when handling chemicals and hazardous substances, as well as responsible chemicals management;
  • Compliance with applicable requirements for product quality and product safety by means of suitable management systems;
  • Protecting the lives and health of employees and all third parties against the dangers that can emanate from manufacturing processes and products;
  • Minimising the impact of your activities on biodiversity, climate change (especially greenhouse gas emissions) and water scarcity and quality;
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and promotion of decarbonisation.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Suppliers and business partners hereby declare their compliance with the following principles of social responsibility applying to their own employees and to society, and expressly recognise their compliance with legal and social obligations such as

  • Recruitment of competent employees;
  • Ensuring continuous further training;
  • Compliance with working hours and minimum wages in accordance with applicable laws;
  • Respect for internationally proclaimed human rights;
  • Prohibition of child and forced labour;
  • Ensuring freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;
  • Prevention of discrimination or harassment of any kind – with regard to personal characteristics such as age, disability, ethnic origin, marital status, gender, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, religion, social origin or sexual orientation;
  • Respect for the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples;
  • Compliance with occupational health and safety requirements;
  • Protection against arbitrary personnel measures;
  • Compliance with socially adequate working conditions;
  • Opportunities for employees to report concerns or unlawful practices such as discrimination, harassment or abuse in the workplace;
  • Remuneration that enables livelihood security as well as social and cultural participation;
  • Ensuring equal opportunities and family-friendly framework conditions, as well as women’s rights in accordance with EU Briefing Paper No. 26.;
  • Prohibition of bribery and extortion;
  • Prevention of corruption and bribery;
  • Compliance with applicable laws and regulations, such as the applicable data protection regulations;
  • Safeguarding intellectual property and confidential handling of information and data provided in compliance with property rights and copyrights when using private and public security forces;
  • Mandatory introduction of measures in your area of responsibility to protect customer products, components, raw materials and knowledge against unauthorised third parties;
  • Warranting fair competition by complying with antitrust law;
  • Compliance with the applicable regulations on the disclosure of information;
  • Fulfilment of financial responsibility;
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest;
  • Compliance with foreign trade regulations and observance of national and international economic sanctions and export control regulations.

Suppliers and business partners declare that no unlawful acquisition, no unlawful development and no other unlawful use of land, forests and waters, the use of which secures the livelihood of people, will take place within the scope of the services to be provided.

In addition, suppliers and business partners must ensure that no unlawful evictions take place.

Ensuring the aforementioned principles and objectives within the entire supply chain is of central importance to Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH. Our suppliers and business partners hereby declare compliance with the principles of behaviour described herein, which they must also ensure in their supply chain. We must be informed immediately in writing of any concerns regarding a gross violation or misconduct against the regulations of the principles described herein, either in your own company or at a supplier or partner company.

Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH reserves the right to carry out audits in the event of suspected cases and to terminate all business relationships if the internationally recognised principles are violated, no measures are taken to remedy violations or systematic violations of the essential principles and objectives of this Code of Conduct become apparent.

Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH counts on your commitment as part of the supply chain!

Supplier declaration (PDF)