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Thilo Ross1
Thilo Ross2
Thilo Ross3

AFZ Assessment and Support Center, Neuwied-Engers, Germany

Object Type

Heinrich-Haus gGmbH, Neuwied

waechter + waechter architekten bda, Darmstadt


Thermal Insulation & Energy Performance Calculation
Building Acoustics
Room Acoustics

The AFZ Assessment and Support Center in Neuwied-Engers is a facility for young people with physical or mental disabilities or impairments who require special advice, support and encouragement to enter working life. This is precisely why it is important to create an inspiring architectural environment.
With the diagonally rotated, square floor plan of the two-storey building and the clear modular design, an architectural attraction with a high recognition value was created, which helps the young people during their stay at the support center.

The building has a very good energy standard. Generous glass façades, largely created as lightweight timber frame constructions, ensure a high level of external visual appeal. In conjunction with the lightweight construction, the summer heat insulation was examined and optimized using simulations. Further attention was paid to the area of building acoustics, in particular the design of the separating components: Solid timber walls were fitted with acoustically effective facing shells, and separating ceilings were designed as concrete support slabs in conjunction with timber support elements (ribs). Sound-absorbing measures were integrated in the form of wood wool acoustic panels between the ribs and on the walls.

Image Copyright
1 Thilo Ross
2 Thilo Ross
3 Thilo Ross

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