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Thorsten Illgen, e2con1
Thorsten Illgen, e2con2
Thorsten Illgen, e2con3

National Convention Centre Hanoi, Vietnam

Object Type
Concert Halls
Townhalls & Congress

Sozialistische Republik Vietnam

Planungsgemeinschaft gmp international, Hamburg Inros Lackner, Rostock


Building Acoustics
Room Acoustics
Electronic Room Acoustics

In November 2006, the National Convention Center in Hanoi was completed in time for the summit meeting of the APEC members.
The NCC in Hanoi includes a conference hall with a seating capacity of 3,500 people that is used for conventions, party conferences as well as musical performances and show events. In addition, it houses a banquet hall for 1,000 guests plus additional meeting rooms which seat 100 up to 200 people.

The enormous volume of 55,000 m³ in the conference hall called for extensive sound-absorbing surfaces which were elaborately designed on the walls and ceiling. Therefore, the room acoustics facilitates a high-class sound reinforcement for all kinds of events, from party conferences to concerts. By means of a highly soundinsulating, vertically movable partition wall, the rear part of the hall below the gallery can be partitioned off and thus used simultaneously for another event. Furthermore, extremely strong monsoon rains do not affect events held in the NCC Hanoi since the lightweight roof construction was designed in such a way as to prevent the noise of rainfall from being audible inside.

Image Copyright
1 Thorsten Illgen, e2con
2 Thorsten Illgen, e2con
3 Thorsten Illgen, e2con

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