Deutsches Theater, Munich, Germany
Object Type
Deutsches Theater Grund- und Hausbesitz GmbH, München
doranth post architekten GmbH, München
Room Acoustics
Acoustic Measurements
The Deutsche Theater located in Schwanthalerstraße is a core venue of Munich‘s cultural life. In January 2014, it was reopened after having undergone an extensive refurbishment; originally, the community theater was built in 1896 for variety entertainment, and has seen several renovations in the course of its history. As a first-rate musical theater, this venue seating 1,500 and rich in tradition has opened its doors again to the public, presenting shows and entertainment with state-of-the-art technology.The room acoustics consultancy started with extensive status evaluation measurements concerning the sightlines and acoustics in the auditorium. By means of simulation studies performed in computer models, the conditions on all seats were optimized while at the same time taking into account historical requirements. Special sound-absorbing wall claddings were designed for the large lateral walls and also adjusted to the architectural characteristics with its undulating lighting. In addition, a broad-band, sound-aborbing cladding for the ceiling, rear wall and balustrades helps create the required reverberation pattern in the auditorium indespensable for today‘s modern musical productions using sophisticated audio-visual media technology. During the annual dance season, the seating is completely removed – this way, the auditorium is transformed into a ballroom with a dance floor and dinner tables.
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1 Pressedienst Deutsches Theater
2 Pressedienst Deutsches Theater
3 Pressedienst Deutsches Theater