Technical University of Munich – Centre for Energy and Information (ZEI), Garching
Object Type
Freistaat Bayern, vertreten durch das Staatliche Bauamt Munich 2
Fritsch + Tschaidse Architekten GmbH, Munich
Thermal Insulation & Energy Performance Calculation
Measurements Building Physics
Building Acoustics
Sound Isolation
Room Acoustics
The State Building Authority Munich 2 built the ZEI - Centre for Energy and Information - based on a design by Fritsch + Tschaidse Architekten on the TU Munich campus in Garching. The building combines laboratories, offices, conference and seminar rooms on a gross floor area of 5,600 m². It offers space for around 100 scientists and comprises a basement, ground floor, two upper floors and a technical floor. The various uses are grouped around a central atrium, which extends from the ground floor to the 2nd floor and enables visual relationships through transparent surfaces.The building fulfils both the 2014 Energy Saving Ordinance and additional state requirements. Room acoustics measures ensure good speech intelligibility in the seminar rooms and pleasant working conditions in the offices, supported by concrete core-activated ceilings. Sound insulation measures take into account both the traffic noise in the neighbourhood and the proximity to a wind tunnel. The façades were designed according to the external noise levels. Measurements of formaldehyde and VOC concentrations in the interior spaces were carried out before handover to the users.
Image Copyright
1 Stefan Müller-Naumann
2 Stefan Müller-Naumann
3 Stefan Müller-Naumann
4 Stefan Müller-Naumann
5 Stefan Müller-Naumann