Residential home for young people Herterichstrasse, Munich, Germany
Object Type
Apartment Buildings
AWO Kreisverband München-Stadt e.V., München
M13 Architekten GmbH, München
Building Acoustics
The City of Munich donated a derelict plot of land for social housing. 42 furnished individual flats were created. The target group is teenagers and young adults in school and vocational training who have a greater need for support and/or a socially disadvantaged background. In addition to the flats, the construction project therefore also includes communal and social rooms. Due to the difficult access situation, the building project was divided into four individual buildings, which were constructed in timber. Timber panel construction was used in conjunction with solid timber partition ceilings. In order to retain the impression of a timber building, the separating ceilings were realised with a timber view on the underside.The aim of the building project was to achieve good acoustic quality while at the same time realising an economical construction method. The challenge was to find a good balance between living comfort and cost for the timber construction method, which is not considered standard from a sound engineering point of view. To this end, the individual component constructions were developed in close collaboration with the planners on the basis of the latest research findings on sound insulation in timber construction.
Image Copyright
1 Lothar Hennig
2 Lother Hennig
3 Lothar Hennig